Services in Johannesburg
Products in Johannesburg Life in Johannesburg
City of Johannesburg 2025Solar Power AdvisePosted 8 March 2023 How to get solar power without paying a fortune? How does solar power even work? For advice on solar installers, solar batteries, try Why is a 10kWh lead Acid battery so much cheaper than a 10kWh Lithium battery system? Are the batteries the same?
Window Film installation In JohannesburgPosted 10 October 2022 Window films can be for decorative or practical reasons. To find a window film installation company can be difficult. We have listed Window Film companies in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. If you want to find a Window Film company near me you can do so on our contact page.
Tesla PowerWall in South AfricaPosted 11 October 2022 A Tesla PowerWall is a premium energy storage device sold by the illustrious company Tesla. We have written answers to common Tesla PowerWall questions here. The Green Way Solar company in Johannesburg is providing Tesla PowerWalls at competitive prices. For details of the Tesla energy storage device in Johannesburg see the website for more information.
Security Robots in South AfricaPosted 27 November 2020 Security in South Africa has become such a big problem that you can now buy a security robot to help protect people and assets. If you like technology like us, then this is a welcome change, if you are a criminal then security robots are not good news.
2018 Course dates for Fibre Optic TrainingPosted 29 January 2018 COFI, FTTx, Fibre Optic workshop training and basic introduction to Fiber Optics courses for 2018 in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Port Elizabeth can be viewed on the 2018 Fibre Optic Training page. Also see the Fibre Optics in Johannesburg page for general questions about Fibre optics installations
Couchsurfing in JohannesburgPosted 28 January 2018 Coucusurfing in Johannesburg is a fun way to meet local people.
Podiatrist in JohannesburgPosted 7 September 2017 A podiatrist is a medical professional who deals with ailments of the foot, ankle and lower limbs. Podiatrists are commonly known as foot doctors. In Johannesburg there are not many foot doctors, one Podiatrist in Johannesburg can be found at the Fourways Health Center in Johannesburg. Common podiatry problems include:
Fencing contractor in JohannesburgPosted 06 June 2017 Find the right fencing contractor in Johannesburg can be a daunting task, what you want is trust, reliability and quality workmanship. try HTfencing for all your fencing needs. Need botox in Johannesburg?Posted 29 May 2017 Sun damage causing unwanted wrinkles? Why not get some botox in Sandotn?. Fourways Aesthetic Centre also offers needleless flu vaccines and much more. Visit Fourways Aesthetic Centre for more services. Port Elizabeth Brick supplierPosted 29 May 2017 If you are looking for for bricks in Port Elizibeth then addo bricks has got you covered, the offer affordable, quality and strong bricks in Port Elizabeth Business Rescue PractitionerPosted 23 May 2017 Need help saving your business? Then get a Business Rescue Practitioner in Johannesburg Anthracite in JohannesburgPosted 24 April 2017 Are you looking to keep warm this winter? Check outThe johannesburg Anthracite Company, they offer great prices on anthracite! Johannesburg Self Storage QuestionsPosted 24 April 2017 What is Self Storage?Can I store my Car in Self Storage? What is the size of Self Storage? Is Self Storage safe? What can't I store in Self Storage? What is the Deposit on Self Storage? Freezer storage? These questions and more answered on our Self Storage Questions page. Wedding VenuePosted 18 April 2017 Damarakloof offers one of a kind vintage wedding venue to hire this wedding venue visit Where to find car storage?Posted 18 April 2017 Are you looking for safe car storage in Johannesburg then you may want to check out they offer safe, reliable car storage and great customer service. Fibre Optics: what is it? How does it work? What does it cost?Posted 18 April 2017 A beginner’s guide to fibre optics. What is ‘fibre optics’? Fibre optic internet – is it better than ADSL? What is the price of fibre optic broadband? Can I get fibre for my home in Johannesburg? How does fibre optic internet get installed? Can I get fibre optic training in Johannesburg? Cheapest Self Storage - only R399 pmPosted 3 April 2017 Sometimes you see an offer that is too good to resist (and you think it may be an April Fools joke). But it is not. Gregory Storage is offering cheap self storage for only R399 per month. We phoned them and they confirmed but it is only a limited offer. Compare Self Storage prices on this Self Storage website. For more about self storage prices click here. Johannesburg Fibre Optic TrainingPosted 4 October 2016 Fibre optics has become a broad field from installing to high level design. Fibre optic training starts with the installer, where we have 5 day Certified Optical Fibre Installer (COFI) course and the FTTx for Installers and Technicians Course which lasts for 4 days. Contact Transafrican Fibre Optic Training for more details or read more on the Fibre Optic Training in Johannesburg page. Gutter Cleaning in JohannesburgPosted 18 August 2016 Gutter Cleaning Company will ensure that their highly skilled technicians will clean your gutter quick and efficiently. See our Gutter Cleaning in Johannesburg website for more information. Hiking Trails Near JohannesburgPosted 18 May 2016 Not far from Johannesburg you will find a few nice hikes near Johannesburg. We have listed some of the hikes with useful information like entrance fees, distance from Johannesburg, and directions, see: Hikes near Johannesburg. Some of the hikes are: Hikes near Joburg:
Silver Spoon VintagePosted 18 May 2016 Accommotions near johannesburg, look no further than the Silver Spoon Vintage guesthouse. Mobile Windscreen Chip Repair PricesPosted 14 April 2016 Windscreen Chips can turn into nasty cracks, get your Windscreen repaired now at a great price. Scammers in Johannesburg and Simunye Electronics and SecurityPosted 17 February 2016 Some companies just don't get it when it comes to building goodwill. Other companies are plain unethical and scammers. We think that the public should know about Simunye Electronics and Security, how they are unethical and linked to various scams in Johannesburg. Save yourself time and effortPosted 5 October 2015 Spring has come and gone and in its wake left behind the makings of a beautiful and bountiful summer garden. As pretty as you would like your garden to look, it won't all just happen naturally. Sometimes mother nature needs a hand, and if you are blessed with the proverbial green thumb, it is because you are just the person to be lending that hand. With each plant needing different care and different types of trimming and pruning to encourage growth, not to mention tying things back and creating supports for climing plants you will need to have quite a few tools on hand. Going back and forth to the garden shed for a clippers or a ball of twine is time consuming, tiring and takes the enjoyment out of caring for your garden, and those lovely wooden tool boxes that you made for yourself is actually to heavy to lug around with you. What you need is something that will allow you to carry all you need and keep your hands free. And if you can add things as you go; all the better. These harvest aprons have been design to be both practical and attractive. Made from fabric which has a distinctly local feel to it these aprons are hard wearing and have pockets and pouches to accomodate your tools for what ever you are doing and also your harvest. Livbing in Johannesburg does not mean you have to go to the shops everyday, you can don your harvest apron and pick from your garden s bounty for the days meal. Urban farming in Johannesburg is popular, but these aprons can be used for hobbies of all kinds including those of DIY enthusiasts. So if you are not catching up on all those little tasks around the house, you could be outting the finishing touches to one of your art works or adding some compost and love to your garden. How does your garden grow?Posted 1 August 2015 One is more likely to spend time in a gloriously green and fertile garden than a dry uncared for one. Get your garden lush and green for the coming summer! We deliver topsoil, and compost to you. Can't Find it?Posted 1 June 2015 If you've been wanting to do some repairs or start a new hobby but didn't know where to begin, or if you feel like getting away for the weekend or upgrading your security The choices are endless and sometimes we just can't find what we are looking for. Try List 9 a new directory which is constantly being updated with current, relevant and quality providers of goods and services Keep warm this WinterPosted 1 June 2015 Document storagePosted 3 February 2015 Traditionally the end of February indicated the end of the Financial year for many businesses, but changes in by-laws and business laws and also the way in which companies are registered now allows for then of the financial year to be on any date. As the closing date for submissions nears, various departments in a company will be needing various records in order to finalise their reports. By having the document scanned and stored securely, all the relevant parties will be able to access the documents they need. These documents can be searched for using various criteria which is added when the document is scanned and indexed in order to make it easier to retrieve. This type of document management is becoming a popular solution as paper driven industry move towards minimising their paper trail and work towards cutting expenses. Because the financial year end is no longer at a time set by an external entity, companies can keep records safely off site, and have access to them when needed, without having the physical document on hand. Should any queries aries, the document can be accessed by all parties in question without having to be physically present. Time and effort is saved, allowing deadlines to be met timeously.
Denying criminal opportunity. (In defence of the palisade)Posted 27 January 2015 Johannesburg is notorious for its crime rate. Although these crimes are often perpetrated at different levels of society and to varying degrees of confrontation. There are certainly crimes by which nobody is in any physical danger, however the ownership of their belongings is being threatened. From fraud and scams to confrontation and violence, it is best to be alert and as prepared as possible. It seems there are still many concerns with people potentially moving to South Africa or Johannesburg in particular but are indecisive because of the constant news reports depicting Johannesburg as an unsafe place in which to live. Being prepared is always the best way to approach any situation in life and the same goes for your safety. To many in Johannesburg these may seem like obvious things but for someone who has not grown up in Johannesburg or ever lived in South Africa these precautions may all be new. We often see on television and in the movies how most homes in American suburbs do not have walls around the front garden and if they do they are pretty low, and have you ever heard people comment in the cinema, how the person in the movie never locks their door. The type of crimes that affect most South Africans are crimes of opportunity, on dark streets where nobody can see whats going on, in deserted areas. In the case of break-ins, it is usually also an opportunistic crime or simply planned around when the home will be empty, unfortunately this kind of poor planning often ends in violence because of an unexpected return, or someone remained behind and never went out. There are few homes in South Africa and Johannesburg that hold objects of such value that planning as if were a bank heist would be necessary. High walls, alarms and security companies are often enough to keep the criminals at bay. But if they get past these, nobody will know what is happening behind your walls. Walls themselves are not really a deterrent, there is usually something which can assist the potential criminal to get over the wall. Anything to stand on and jump onto the wall and over into your yard will do. Palisade fencing on the other hand does not allow for easy climbing because there really isn't anywhere that you can place hands or feet, and the sharpened tops of the pales are not something one wants to jump, onto. Besides, it will take a lot of effort to get over and the criminal is likely to be seen. This is not only preventative but also a good form of dissuasion. Palisade fences are welded securely and are often galvanised, so breaking them will take tremendous effort, and there will be no rusted spots to weaken the pales. Should the palisade fence somehow be crossed, there is nowhere for the perpetrator to hide. Palisade fences have the advantage that one can see in and out of the grounds it surrounds, and you may already have noticed someone entering your property unlawfully. While palisade fencing should not be your only guard against crime it should certainly be your first line of defence. Do you know what you are eating?Posted 20 January 2015 What did you have for breakfast today, and lunch? Our rushed lifestyles often have us reaching for the nearest and easist thing to eat, while we carry on with our busy schedules. Although we have managed to ease off our hunger for a few hours, have we done our bodies a favour by eating what we did? It is important to know what you are eating and what effect your meal will have on your body. A visit to a dietician will guide you through the pitfalls of your current eating regimen and help you to select something that will be more beneficial to you, both short and long term. If you feel that a visit to a dietician may be a bit extreme for you, take the time to learn what the various things on your food labels are and what kind of impact they will have on you. Fortunately there are healthier options and food manufacturers are taking the health of their customers seriously and making the necessary adjustments. The best dietYou are an individual and your needs are unique to you, if a diet work for a few other people, don't assume you can join their ranks. Rather take the time time to seek the advice of a professional and then make the effort to follow that advice.
The rapid growth of self storagePosted 14 January 2015 It seems that the popularity of self storage facilities in Suth Africa has increased tremendously, and judging by the number of new facilities that have sprouted in and around Johannesburg there doesn't seem to be any slowing down in the need for these facilities. Although television programs like Storage Wars increased the overall awareness of storage facilities and what the benefits are, the economy has had an equally large impact on the decisions to make use of a storage facility. It seems that as more and more peole move to the cities they are having to downsize, and this means that alot of the items that they previously had, will either need to be done away with or they will have to keep it somewhere. A storage facility is the best soultion for this because they will still have all their belongings, if they choose to move back to their previous home or find a larger place to live. But sometimes the chicks leave the nest and the parents are left with a large home which is too much for them to maintain and as a cost saving measure they will move into a smaller home or into a retirement village, there is no need to do away with all their belongings or clear out the room of the last child to leave home and throw it all away. Placing everything in storage will ensure that nobody gets offended or loses something valuable, it also means that should anyone in the family find that they need a specific piece of furniture they will be able to retrieve it from the storage unit rather than have to buy a new one. Towns on the East Rand are expanding at an equally rapid rate which means a larger job market and an influx of new residents. A similar pattern was noted in the United States. People were moving away from their homes in order to find employment or to take up jobs that afforded them a better quality of life. While the recession forced others to seek out smaller less expensive accomodation. In both instances, the use of a self-storage facility was preferable to getting rid of hard earned belongings and the cost of a unit far outweighed the struggle to pay a bond. One would be wise to check what the various self storage facilities, whether in Johannesburg or on the East Rand, have to offer in terms of space, location, and proximity to your new home based on how often you will need to drive to the facility to access your belongings. Self storage is not the sole domain of home owners or renters who need extra space for their 'things', it is also ideal for small business tp use as storage rather than hire a warehouse which will cost more for alot of unused space.
2015Posted 7 January 2015 The festive season has by now run it's course and everyone is getting back into their various routines, although there are still a few lucky souls who have a few more days of holiday left. Many companies present their clients and staff with a diary or a desktop planner for the upcoming year. These usually have the important dates and holidays filled in, but this is a generalisation, leaving you to fill in all the days and hightlights that are important to you, include your goals, whether work related or personal. Looking back on goals achieved and tasks completed at the end of the month is a great inspiration to forge ahead with the same spirit and determination. Companies can order calendars and diarieswhich reflect a theme or the ethos of the company. The calendar or diary can include company branding and logos as well as images which can entertain or inspire. So if you are still on leave and feeling like you need to psych yourself up before you can face the new year, why not take your calendar and go through every month taking a few extra minutes on January and February and fill in as many goals, work and personal, that will be met by that date. Fill in as many highlights as you can, you will quickly realise just how much there is to look forward to and start your year with gusto. Be clever about ChristmasPosted 13 November 2014
There is however, no denying that the Christmas spirit or end of year vibe eventually gets us all and there is a bit of goodwill that creeps into the things we do. This is when employers say thank you to their employees for the effort they put in through the year. It was always the norm to have a big blowout with all the employees of a company getting together for a meal, some drinks and a bit of dancing, once the boss had said his piece. But companies are turning to more manageable activities and focusing and allowing teams within the company to have a smaller more intimate year end function, it seems this helps build team spirit rather that loads of people who don't really know each other, sit in their team groups anyway. Productivity also doesn't take too much of a dip if people go out in smaller groups rather than the entire building emptying out at once. So, what to do for a smaller outing? Take a look at the group of people that will be attending,and see what type of people you are entertaining then make a few suggestions and take a vote (votes are a slippery slope, but compromises can be made) Younger active teams might enjoy a bit of go-kart racing and a slap up meal afterwards. Indoor or outdoor go-karting options are available. If you have a team consisting of ladies only, why not arrange a belly dancing lesson, these are always fun at a kitchen tea or hen party. Belly dancing lessons can be arranged at the studio or at a different venue, so you plan your teams year end function around that. Great, you have a few ideas of what to do and where to do it, but the difficult question of food is always lurking in the background for any get together. The easiest option is to go to a restaurant, but you probably have a budget so why not have a braai, it is summer is SA after all and that way you should be able to cater for everybody, even the vegetarian, lets face it a braai needs a salad or two and some traditional 'pap en sous'. Don't worry about who is going to braai, arrange for each to do their own or give the teams braai expert an opportunity to show what he is made of, but aid him in his cause and get the meat from a good butchery and half the work is done.
If you have managed to get the whole day off work, why not get together and have a breakfast picnic before you move on to an activity, staff appreciate getting home early so an afternoon off is always welcome. Order interesting sausages and quality bacon for that outdoor breakfast, but don't rope the women in to do all the cooking. Plan ahead and ask for volunteers.
When all is said and done, you will have had loads of fun and gone home with a few memories and a usable gift, and when the company closes for the festive season you get to brave the mall mobs and get some of your own shopping done. Planning your own festive seasonThere are those who declare every year that Christmas shopping will be done throughout the year in order to avoid the craziness and also to spread the expense over a long time rather than seeing their Christmas bonus disappear faster than you can say “please wrap that”. You can avoid shopping centres entirely, buy the ingredients for your Christmas lunch from a quality butchery or a specialist meat supplier and support your local green grocer, fresher, friendlier and closer to home. VeryDeli in Johannesburg will supply you with olives and oils, relishes and marmalades, and chocolates sourced from around the country that you can serve guests or give as gifts. Although tables no longer groan under food on Christmas day as they once did there is no reason to skimp on quality. PJS Food have a range of well thought out range of quality sausages and deli meats, to which they have just added Naked Pork Ribs which should add to your Christmas spread.
And gifts?Do you also declare how you are not buying gifts this year and then have a case of the Scrooges followed by a shopping spree? You don't need to spend your life savings on gifts or run up store cards that will take you all of next year to pay off. Buy one good quality, well thought out item per person, for ladies try the Windmill gifts and for the guys go along to Braeside Butchery in Parkhurst for the best biltong around Visit a local craft market, they are busting at the seams with clever ideas and well made items. You may even find something to add to your Christmas meal or some edible gifts or help someone take their hobby to the next level with some scrapbooking lessons or even a few sessions at the belly dancing studio. Don't let anyone tell you personal products are not a good idea, Handcrafted soaps and personal items have become very popular, especially since the quality of these products is extremely high, and if they are hand mad made by someone with passion you will be buying a quality gift. You are not buying something that the recipient will readily buy for themself. The trick here is not to shop until you drop but to keep it real, keep it local and approach the festive season wisely.
Time to start thinking about giftsPosted 8 October 2014 Its that time of the year again and there are a whole slew of year end functions that are about to take place, clients and business will make the effort to thank each other for the benefit of the relationship they had throughout the year. All of thes involve gifts. Gifts of a corporate nature should not be too personal but certainly have some thought put into the appearance and the usability. Calendars and calendar related products are useful and if they are printed, can show that you took time to cinsider the recipient. But what do you really know about calendars?As much as we take for granted that one day follows the next it doesn't hurt to remember that the calendar is a system that took many years to evolve into the system it is today. This type of calendar is called a Gregorian calendar and although it has connotations to Western Christianity it is accepted world wide. There are some traditional calendars which are observed, as the official passage of time and means of planning. You get to plan ahead and set goals. Having a calendar and keeping it up to date with everything relative to you will certainly remove the element of surprise. Especially the nasty ones like a board meeting or a long anticipated visit from your mother in law that slipped your mind. You already know that a calendar has 365days on it, just like a year and these are gouped into weekd and months, all on a cycle which brings about the next cycle. The Islamic calendar also consists of 12months although the a year only has 354 or 355 days, causing festivals to shift by 11 or 12 days every year. The islamic calendar is used mainly to follow and observe holy days and festivals at the right time. Other calendars followed by various countries and creeds around the world include the Vikram Samvat calendar which has Hindu origins. The Chinese calendar is used by the Chinese as a tradition, and denote various festivals and the beginning and end of cycles such as the Chinese New Year, which is celebrated on a different day to 1 January as dictated by the internationally accepted gregorian calendar. Other calendarsOther than the calendars which denote festivals and holy days, or ones in which the individual has noted days relevant to himself, there is the fiscal calendar. A fiscal calendar will be relevant to a business and denote the beginning and end of a financial year as well as goals set for that period. A fiscal year will indicate the cycle on which a government allocates and renews its budget for various departments. The advent calendar is a traditional calendar used to count the days to Christmas, usually from late November or early December. The advent calendar has a window for each day leading up to Christmas and one is opened every day to reveal, a part of the Chrstmas story and a gift or a chocolate item. Not all advent calendars are Christian in content however they are used for the same purpose. From October one is able to start purchasing diaries and calendars for the following year. This is done mostly for advance planning and so that calendars will be on hand from the beginning of the new year. Printed calendars also make good gifts, both for clients and staff. These calendars are available in various thems and usually something befitting the business, or a theme that can be carried through the office are welcome. Deskpads or tent calendars, all come in useful, not only in the corporate world but on a personal level too.
Swimming Lessons in Linden, Johannesburg
Posted 22 September 2014 You could go to the Linden Public Swimming Pool, or you can go to a private covered and heated swimming pool in 2nd Avenue for swimming lessons in Linden. The Johannesburg art scenePosted 18 September 2014 Art doesn't sleep, and if you get caught napping, rest assured you will probably have missed out on some event or the arrival of a new style and technique. If you look away long enough you will probably miss the arrival of a few up and coming contributors to the art scene in Johannesburg. Art and artistic events have become the backdrop for a myriad of other activities, from lectures and food preparation in exhibition spaces to gallery openings which double as a venue for a DJ or a vocalist to exhibit their art. Art is an evolving creature that gathers more styles and genre on a daily basis, introducing new artists to the mix all the while. But, as with every discipline, some components are fleeting if at all memorable while others are practiced in established disciplines and styles. Visit the Johannesburg art gallery in the heart of Joubert Park, bordering on Hillbrow, and your time and effort will be rewarded with an exquisite collection of pieces from people who can be called masters of their trade. From South African greats like Pierneef to the temporary exhibitions of contemporary artists. The Standard Bank Gallery is also known for its temporary exhibition of modern artists who are touring their work around the world. Standard bank do however own a number of classic pieces created by Walter Battiss and also Picasso. But once all the masters have been collected and the modernists have moved on to their next project, what remains? Artists who have dedicated themselves to their craft, and have done it in a manner which can appeal to all people and also to individuals. Its easy to take photos of the places and the people you love but to have them immortalised on canvas is often the greatest gift you can give. Aurelia James is one of a dying breed. Living in Johannesburg, Aurelia has exhibited both her portraiture and images of places she has been and fallen in love with. She coneys the same passion and integrity in the paintings which she does for her clients. You can view a gallery of some of her work on her website . You may find yourself sitting for a portrait, even the whole family together. So while modern art is interesting it is undoubtedly fleeting. Invest in something worthwhile that can be admired and shared, and eventually become an heirloom. ![]() ![]() Posted 18 June 2014 Why is chimney cleaning a neccesity?We've come to accept and to expect chimneys to be dirty places but to even that there has to be a limit. When a professional chimney cleaner declares that your chimney is dirty, that is exactly what they mean, and it can be a danger to you, your loved ones and a risk to your property. The causes of a 'dirty' chimney
What are the risks of not cleaning your chimney:
What are the benefits of cleaning your chimney regularly:
Take heed of the condition of your chimney and have it cleaned, also do any maintenence if necessary. These are the things that will contribute to youe safety and your comfort. There are a few chimney cleaners in Johannesburg which deliver good service, give one of them a try:
Posted 27 May 2014 Who are our New Executive?On 26 May President Jacob Zuma was sworn in for a second term of office as the President of South Africa. The new executive or cabinet ministers were also sworn in with a few changes and additions to the structure in a bid to restore investor confidence in South Sfrica. The New Executive is as follows: The Minister in the Presidency is Jeff Radebe. - The Minister of
Posted 19 May 2014 RFID tagsHas your pet run away from home? A small injection into the neck or ear of your furry friend and they will be identifiable at almost any vet or SPCA. The injection of this microchip under the skin is commonly referred to as 'chipping'. This micro-chip is an example of an RFID tag (Radio Frequency Identification tag) and your pet however, is just the tip of the ice-berg. RFID tags are in use on a far larger scale, mostly by employers. Nothing as drastic as injecting their staff members with a micro-chip, rather creating a form of access control which will be able to allow employers to keep a form of register and as a security measure be aware of where in the building an employee might be at the given time. Constant research into the applications of this kind of technology will undoubtedly produce benefits on numerous levels, least of all the saving of time as can be witnessed in the case of the missing pet and the employee not having to sign a register everytime they come or go. As a security measure, RFID access will limit entry to the various departments in a building to those who are authorised. In South Africa RFID tags are being used to allow access to public transport. A passenger boarding a bus will have their RFID tag scanned by a reader on the bus which will in turn either issue a ticket or deny entry, based on the information stored on the tag. You will hear the inevitable mutterings about being control and Big brother, but at this stage the benefits far out-weigh any negative responses and the field is still wide open for this type of technology to expand even further. Imagine the ease this could bring to a grocery shopping experience, not to mention the load off an over-worked police force. Posted 13 May 2014 Go-karting around the worldIf you are a go-karting enthusiast you probably have your favourite track, whether it's close to home or not. And if the opportunity ever arises for you to go Go-karting somewhere else in the world you would definitely grab it with both hands, but what would you be grabbing? Here's a quick look at a few go-karting tracks both indoor and outdoors just to give you an idea. First stop, Grand Prix New York. A track that caters for all ages and sizes from the very junior including school outings to something for the adults ranging from bachelor parties to corporate and charity events. Your choice of racing will depend on your age and your level, there are adult competitions and children races. You can compete or just spend an hour or two watching the races. And for the very beginner there is the option of private lessons on a closed track where children can be taught all they need to know about go-kart racing. get directions and find out more about your options by clicking here Karts Indoor Raceway situated on Long Island this facility covers over 8000 square metres and uses state of the art karts and equipment, ensuring the safety of drivers and spectators alike. League racing is a popular event at Karts Indoor Raceway. The venue is popular for parties and not only caters to Go-Karting enthusiasts but also for enthusiasts of laser games and bowling. Don't come here and expect to be bored! If you enjoy Go-karting at night then head for Dublin and some high speed, adrenalin filled laps around the track at Kart City Raceway, while your supporters cheer you on from the heated pit-side viewing area. The karts are top of the range Honda powered beasts and can reach up to 70kmh and you get to choose between a tar racing track or an incredibly smooth concrete track. Check out their website Wales is not really a place you'd ever expect to go Go-karting but it is home to 3 magnificent outdoor tracks. The one in Llandow is just over a kilometre long and is filled with twists and corners all along the tarred surface. If you're trying to encourage one of the younger members of your family to take up Go-karting you would do well to visit the Llandow Kart Club Race Academy where they will be taught from basics to advanced driving and how to develop technique and improve times. If you hang around you might pick a few tips of your own. Back in Johannesburg you won't have to travel far for the excitement that can only be found at Xtreme Indoor Karting in Sunninghill. Xtreme Indoor Karting plays host to parties and functions but haven't left the individual behind. Xtreme indoor Karting will customise each event to suit your needs and are equipped to time the laps with precision. Non-participants will be able to watch the action on television screens strategically placed around the track. Posted 12 May 2014 When a gem is found, its beauty should be shared. This is the case with Ponto Mozambique. We sampled their menu only 2 days after Ponto Mozambique opened and their food was spectacular. Honestly, the best prawns that I have had in Joburg. The flavours were strong, pure and balanced. Read more about Ponto Mozambique restaurant in Johannesburg Posted 9 May 2014 Like every Joburger, I was really excited to when a Burger King opened in our vibrant town because it was giving us that variety. Since my first Burger King experience in the UK, it has been my fast food outlet of choice at airports and cities where I could not find decent sit down restaurants. So my first Burger King SA experience at Rivonia Road was quite the disappointment. Read more about the Burger King Experience Posted 6 March 2014 The rain has certainly made it's presence known in the last few days hasn't it? It's definitely a late summer rain if nothing else. Speaking of late summer, I guess autumn and winter are around the corner. It's definitely getting light a little later in the morning than it was a month ago, and the evenings are cooler too. Soon it will be time for hot chocolate and movies or if you are lucky enough to have a fireplace, hot chocolate and a snuggle next to the fire. But make sure you have your chimney cleaned before you start with getting things cosy for autumn and winter. The guys at do a great job, visit their site and book a chimney cleaning, you may even learn a few things about fires and chimneys. When they are done you can have a load of firewood delivered to your
door. Call 011 482 5135 or visit . If you get these two thing done and dusted before the cold sets in you
are guaranteed to be somebodys hero. Posted 12 September 2013 Spring is in the air and bee season is well and truly upon us. Don't panic, and please whatever you do don't pull out a swatter or a can of poison. These little guys have been having a hard time keeping their numbers up of late and we should do what ever we can to help them. A bee remover will do his utmost to retrieve the swarm and the queen from where they have decided to build their hive and relocate them, usually to a farm or a space where they can go about their business of making honey and pollinating plants so that we can have a share of natures bounty. A large percentage of fruits and grains depend on bees for pollination
and if the bee population keeps dwindling so does the chances of having
a successful crop. So before you pull out that swatter rather pull out
your phone. There are a number of bee removers in Johannesburg who will
be glad to help. Visit them at and or Posted 27 August 2013 Tax season happens once a year but preparing for it is an ongoing exercise which requires of you to keep track of what you spend as a business and what the income is that you earn. This all needs to be done accurately and within certain time frames which will take away valuable time from the actual running of the business. Leapfrog accounting are the professional team that can take care of the bookkeeping side of things and will ensure accuracy and timeous completion without you having to neglect what you are doing to complete your business accounting records. These services go beyond tax. Any bookkeeping function from reconciliations to Ledgers, UIF and VAT,CIPC annual returns will be managed by Leapfrog accounting. Posted 22 August 2013 Is your best friend getting married? Are you the maid of honour? Going out on the town for a wild evening is not everyone's cup of tea, but then the idea of the traditional kitchen tea isn't all that appealing. So, why not take some traditions from the old and create some new ones and blend them together for a memorable “bachelorette” party. is a great website full of ideas for fun things to do both at home or out, with the guys or just the girls, the choices are endless. Posted 16 July 2013 Do you know the symptoms of HIV and what is being done to offer help and beat HIV? Why not visit and educate yourself Posted 6 June 2012 For rubble removal in your Johannesburg home or area, visit the rubble removanl site: there you will get a great quote for your rubble. Posted 14 May 2012 If you are looking for any advice or information on bookkeeping, visit Posted 11 April 2012 You no longer have to worry about bees infesting your home, for an affordable bee removal quote visit: Posted 11 April 2012 If you are in debt and you need some guidance and information on how to handle it, visit: You will find useful information and links. Posted 10 April 2012 Leapfrog Business Accounting has launched their new site: Their services include business acccounting, bookkeeping services, VAT, PAYE, etc. Posted 2 February 2012 Fun in the sun! Temperatures reached 31 degrees today in Johannesburg followed by afternoon showers at aroud 16.00. It is definitely umbrella season! The featured site today is all about Chocolate- who is going to resist that? The company is in Johannesburg and offers Chocolate Fountains for hire in the Johannesburg region. The costs are pretty decent and the best part is that they deliver to your function. For Chocolate Fountain Hire try: Obviously this site has a directory of services for the Johannesburg region offering you a wide range of services, products and entertainment. There is enough fun and entertainment in Johannesburg for everyone. Young and old, fashion and music lovers and a little added extra for those who enjoy the arts. Johannesburg has to be one of South Africas greatest cities. It has changed many lives and has introduced many to a certain way of living. Johannesburg is and will always be the land of milk and honey. |