Fire By-laws


Article published on April 9 2014

With winter upon us there willl be many who may want to make use of a fire to ward off the cold, but there a number of by-laws which need to be remembered and respected when you consider fire as your heating alternative.

What follows is just a few of the salient points from the by-laws in Johannesburg. The full set of by-laws regarding fire in Johannesburg can be read at

  1. No person may make or allow another person to make a fire that may endanger any person, animal or property.
  2. Refuse may not be burnt outside of an approved incinerating device unless expressly permitted by the Chief Fire Officer.
  3. Devices that are intended for preparing food may not be used for incineration purposes,
  4. Devices that are heated by electricity, petrol or gas are to positioned in such a way that they do not pose any threat to person or animal.
  5. Any person who makes a fire or allows another person to make a fire is responsible for the safety of people, animals and property.

Fireplaces in the home would be subject to the same degree of control by law. If you are to operate a fireplace in your home it is essential that the fireplace is clean and free of soot build up as this is highly flammable and can endanger the occupants of the house.

A blocked chimney will also cause smoke to filter into the house, increasing carbon monoxide levels and endagering the occupants of the house.

Safety requires that your chimney requires cleaning on a regular basis. In South Africa this would be before and/or after winter. Have a professional do the job cleanly and thoroughly.



Fireworks and safety

Unless presented on the following days a fireworks display may only be presented unless authorised to do so by the City Council, including the Chief Fire Officer and the Civil Aviation Authority.

Fireworks may be presented on the following days between the specified times

  • New Years Eve from 23h00 to 01h00
  • New Years Day from 19hoo to 22h00
  • Hindu New Year from 19h00 to 22h00
  • Lag b'omer from 19h00 to 22h00
  • Chinese New Year from 19h00 to 22h00
  • Human Rights Day from 19h00 to 22h00
  • Freedom Day from 19h00 to 22h00
  • Guy Fawkes Day from 19h00 to 22h00
  • Diwali from 19h00 to 22h00
  • Christmas Eve from 19h00 to 22h00
  • Day of Goodwill from 19h00 to 22h00

You can read up about the by-laws regarding fireworks here: see Chapter 3