Organic Markets in Johannesburg


Article published on 23 July 2013

Organic markets are alive, well and flourishing throughout Johannesburg. Organic, is a bit of a sensitive subject for many, especially when it come to the growing and preparation of food, and then for us plebs who simply won't pay those prices for something as simple as a handful of beans.

Those in the know will tell you that to be truly organic is not just a labour of love but a lifestyle. Organic, life from life, using that which once was alive to sustain growth in that which is alive, composting crop waste, using only naturally occuring substances, no chemical or artificial means at all. The slightest taint by something artificial would render an entire crop no longer organic. All of this requires a lot of time and effort by the grower which certainly helps to justify what one pays for the products.

Then consider the health benefits of eating something that is the epitome of wholesome and suddenly the effort and the resulting cost are worth it. The demand for food throughout the world has made organic living near to impossible with everything that needs to be done to food to make it resistant to nature and speed up the growth process.

So take the time and go visit an organic market, Johannesburg has a number of them, look for one in your area by visiting, if not to fill your pantry then at least to appreciate what it took to produce what you see on sale.