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Antiquing in Johannesburg
Article published on 22 September 2014 The art of shopping for antiquesTurning a noun into verb is probably not as rare as one would imagine. Antiquing is certainly a case in point, and it certainly is a descriptive word. This is a pass time adopted by many people around the world. A pleasant way to pass a Saturday or Sunday morning. Whether you add to your worldly treasures or not there is a feeling of nostalgia which we all feel when surrounded by things that have a history and a story to tell. And there are those amongst us for whom the sense of wonderment ant the intricacies of an antique piece could spell hours of imaginatively thinking up ways to achieve with raw materials what the makers of these items have. If you are taken to flights of fancy, there are manner of old weapons and other items used in combat decades if not centuries ago. large awords to take you back to the imaginary knighthood you embraced as a boy and enormous wardrobes almost certainly house an entryway to Narnia. Looking at these items certainly can awaken the imagination. Finding yourself surrounded by them will leave you wanting to come back again and again because you simply can't embark on that many adventures in one day. But antiquing, is not only for those of us with spirited imaginations. Antique items represent periods in history are would have been relevant to the type of life the people lead. Wash stands and coat racks, butcher blocks and decorative statues all indicative of a time and of class. When you buy an antique you are not just buying something old and decorative, you are buying a piece of history, that of the piece and that of its origional owner. A piece with an interesting story will be worth far more than a similar piece of no discernible origin. Would you rather own an ordinary decorative bowl that came from from a factory a few weeks ago or a beautiful song bowl of asian origin. Something that has eons of history and many stories absorbed into it through its mere presence through the ages. But, we would have to be honest and agree that antiques are not only about adventure and romance. They are a worthwhile investment, somewhere to invest your money and enjoy it at the same time. In most suburbs of Johannesburg you will find at least on antique dealer, sometimes more. People who own and run these establishments are not only like minded people but are also fountains of knowledge and inevitable the source of many an interesting tale. If you visit Parkhurst in Johannesburg, Unicorn Antiques should be a definite stop on your list. The eclectic selection will be sure to enchant you, and if you appreciate fine art as much as you do quality antiques you will be in good company. Find them on 17 4th Avenue, Parkhurst, Johannesburg.