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Molex, a connector of humble origion
Article published on 5May 2014 Molex connectorsFrom humble beginnings as a by-product of plastic manufacture, Molex evolved into use as a connector in electrical appliances.
Molex originated a variety of connectors for use in computer hardware. Although there are different brands on the market the term Molex connector has become the generic term for this type of electronic connector. Most frequently a Molex connector will be used on a disk drive. The size of the Molex connector varies between two and 24 contacts. The connector can be either male or female and the pins and contacts or sockets can be arranged in any number of formations. This kind of adaptability allows the Molex connection to be of use in other areas of the computer set-up. Use in providing power to the various components such as the motherboard, and various drives is commonplace largely because of this flexibility and and the low cost of production. Companies who specialise in various access control products and creators of LAN networks will make use of Molex connectors and industrial automation has opened the spectrum of uses just a little more. Molex connectors are ideal for connecting the various components of of an automated system, from power source to command centre. But don't for a moment think Molex is limited to connectors, fibre-optic cabling and components for LAN and similar networks are also part of the array of products and applications of Molex branded products. Fibre Utility Networks is a company that specialises in the the setup and implementation of fibre optic networks for access control, cctv and the data-coms industry. Much of the cabling and connecting is done through the use of Molex products, of which the humble Molex connector is just one. Visit the Fibre Utility Networks website to get a better idea of the service they offer. Data CablingRelaying data from point to another is accomplished with the use of data cabling. Data cabling is not just for communication between humans but is also an effective means of enabling a faster automation process. Data cabling has evolved along with technology and with the different applications as automation has becom an industry standard. Particularly in the manufacturing arena. Data cables have undergone numerous transformations, the last being fibre optic cabling which tansforms data signals into light, thus steamlining the communications part of production even more. Data cabling as a communcations tool is also known as LAN cables, network cables and computer cables. Data cabling encompasses all of these as they for part of a communications network. The necessary departments, computers and machines need various bits of information in order to complete their part in the process. Data cabling can effectively be referred to as the communications backbone of a company as all forms of communication are transported along it, thus making it necessary to be designed in a manner that will serve the company optimally. Engaging the expertise of a company like Fibre Utility Networks will ensure that your data cabling is effectively and efficiently designed and installed.