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Podiatrist - the Foot Doctor
Article published on 18 September 2017 Ever had sore feet? Ever had sore feet that would simply not improve? Then it is time to visit a foot doctor or Podiatrist. Podiatrists specialise in ailments of the lower limbs which includes the feet, ankles and toe nails. There are many causes of sore feet. If your feet are often sore then there may be a treatment to resolve the problem. To contact a Podiatrist in Johannesburg, visit the Fourways Health Center website or call 011 465 8846. Five signs it is time to see a podiatristPodiatrists are doctors that specialise in the treatment of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity (i.e. the area just above your ankle). They specialise in foot-related problems such as nail and skin issues (callus, ingrown toenails, blisters and fungal infections), injuries (to the muscles, tendon, ligaments, or joints), and systemic disease that manifests in the foot (diabetes or neurological conditions). If you are having problems with your feet – such as pain when walking or calluses – you may be inclined to go see your family doctor. However, they are certain instances where it is better to go see your local Johannesburg podiatrist instead. Corns and CallusA corn and a callus are both hardened skin, but a corn is small, concentrated area of hard skin, while a callus is less concentrated but spread on a bigger area of the foot. A corn can be very painful and requires removal of the skin by a specialist, and then preventative treatment to help stop it from returning. BunionsBunions are a genetic deformity. They occur in the bones of the foot, specifically the joint between the big toe and the foot. Bunions can be treated over a lifetime since they're inherited. While all joints suffer from a certain level of arthritis and deterioration from aging, toe joints with bunions can get painful, immobilized, and swollen during old age. To avoid drastic treatments such as surgical correction, visit a podiatrist in Johannesburg as soon as you notice a problem. Yellowed or Ingrown ToenailsDiscoloured or ingrown toenails are the two most common nail issues that podiatrists deal with. Ingrown toenails come from shoes that are too tight, or cutting the toenail incorrectly. An infected toenail can be very painful and will affect how you walk (which can lead to other problems) so it is a good idea to go to a podiatrist as soon as possible. A discoloured, yellow toenail is the sign of a fungal disease. Don’t leave it too long! Heel PainHeel pain is known as plantar fasciitis. It can be caused by trauma, arthritis, bone spurs, or gout crystals. Getting a professional diagnosis is safer than trying to treat it yourself. Numbness and SwellingAny pain, numbness, swelling, or oedema (build-up of fluid) in the feet or toes is cause for concern. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is important to see a specialist. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms (or in fact, any unusual pain in your foot), schedule an appointment. The earlier you can treat any problems, the better. When choosing a podiatrist, residents of Johannesburg go to Dr. Alycia Kim Naidoo. Contact the practice on 011 465 8846 to schedule your appointment. |