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Products in Johannesburg Life in Johannesburg
Have fun while you learn a few thingsArticle published on 21 October 2014 If you haven't decided what you are going to do this weekend, why not do something that will leave your friends even more impressed than when you bettered your time on an early morning 10 kilometre run. Go learn to prepare a spectacular meal! Susan Greig offers classes in which she demonstrates exactly how to make a certain dish or prepare a whole meal from starter to dessert. her demonstrations are filled with useful information and entertaining anecdotes, so the session is always light hearted and designed to keep you interested and entertained, not scare you away from the kitchen forever. The dishes are prepared and those attending get to dine afterwards, which really rounds off the experience nicely. You get to see, hear and taste, so there is no way you could go wrong when you get into your own kitchen and have a few of those nay sayers over for a Sunday lunch.
Sport in Johannesburg - Your weekends needn't be dull or entirely lazyArticle published on 29 September 2014 Seldom a weekend passes where there is no sporting activity to amuse, entertain and stretch individuals to their limits. As a nation South Africans are active, and love the outdoors and sporting activity is one of the biggest passtimes shared by the citizens of South Africa. Get up before noon on a Saturday and take a drive down the street in any of Johannesburgs street and you will encounter, a cyclist or a jogger, possibly even both or a group. If you are lucky enough to live near one of Johannesburgs lakes you might even spy a canoeist. There must be at least one sports club in every suburb, so you don't really have an excuse not to be doing anything physical. You can even start your own club of one and take yourself out for some exercise on a regular basis. You will be surprised at everything you notice, whizzing by in a car means you miss a lot of small things. Plus you will get to know your neighbourhood a bit better, you might even discover a neighbour who is doing the same as you are. Armchair sportsman?Every discipline will have its fair share of these. They are necessary for the dedication and support they give. Even if you don't see them you know they are rooting for you. Besides, not everyone can be a Springbok rugby player or an Olympic swimmer. But why limit it to televised events? Why not accompany the family athlete down to the club. You can support them and meet with the other members of the supporters team. Take care of yourselfSummer is here, and the African sun is not afraid to show itself. Whether you are a practicing sportsmen or part of the support team that fills the stands, you will be exposed to the sun and it's effects, so be sure to take care of yourself and your skin. Cancer is no joke and it is too high a price to pay for an afternoons entertainment. Be sure to drink plenty of water, staying hydrated aslo helps you keep cool, use a sunblock or if you want something with a little more staying power get yourself some Sun Sleeves. These are a great way to keep the sun off your skin without getting too hot, they allow air to pass so you can feel any breeze. If the smell and feel of sunscreen puts you off using it, sun sleeves is the perfect solution. Sun-sleeves come in different colours and designs which make them a great vehicle for branding and for team identification, whilst having a practical use. Keeping FitSo now you have a way to protect yourself and you know there are options out there, so rather than let your Saturday go to waste pull on some sleeves grab a water bottle and come join us for a run.
Your Weekend
Article published on 16 September 2013 Go KartingDon't let the news that Kyalami has been sold deter you from having yourself a little bit of fun on the weekend. The sale refers to the actual track that is Kyalami, the surrounding businesses should not be affected in any way. This means that the GFo Karting track is still up and running and the excitement levels are as high as ever. What's on offer?The Go-karting track provides fun for all skill levels and events. Go kart racing is a popular activity for bachelor parties. Birthday parties can also be catered for in a similar way. Endurance racing is a good idea if you are a large group of friends, you can choose between an hour or an hour and a half. Discuss this when you make your booking. It is best to plan ahead and book your group for a specific day and time, because of the popularity of the various events. This means that if you go for the arrive and drive option you may have to cut down on the time spent at the track or even face disappointment. Arrive and driveis popular because of the spontaneity involved. By calling ahead you will be able to discuss your options and select a deal that is best suited to you and your group. The options include: Sprint racing - Best for small groups as it includes the timing of laps Endurance racing - Nice for big groups and can continue for an hour or more. Arrive and drive - is exactly what it says. Arrive, pick your car and go. There is ample safe parking for all attendees and if you decide you don't want to drive you can wait in the canteen or on the canteen balcony and have a cool drink while you wait for your friends to finish their laps and join you. Call 011 466 3678 to discuss your options and make a booking or visit for more information. Article published on 23 July 2013 Organic MarketsOrganic markets are alive, well and flourishing throughout Johannesburg. Organic, is a bit of a sensitive subject for many, especially when it come to the growing and preparation of food, and then for us plebs who simply won't pay those prices for something as simple as a handful of beans. Those in the know will tell you that to be truly organic is not just a labour of love but a lifestyle. Organic, life from life, using that which once was alive to sustain growth in that which is alive, composting crop waste, using only naturally occuring substances, no chemical or artificial means at all. The slightest taint by something artificial would render an entire crop no longer organic. All of this requires a lot of time and effort by the grower which certainly helps to justify what one pays for the products. Then consider the health benefits of eating something that is the epitome of wholesome and suddenly the effort and the resulting cost are worth it. The demand for food throughout the world has made organic living near to impossible with everything that needs to be done to food to make it resistant to nature and speed up the growth process. So take the time and go visit an organic market, Johannesburg has a
number of them, look for one in your area by visiting,
if not to fill your pantry then at least to appreciate what it took to
produce what you see on sale. |